July Book List


July was such a busy month for me, I had so much good stuff going on with birthdays and people coming to visit who I hadn’t seen for ages. It was a really fun month, but was non-stop and flew by so quickly. I’m trying not to think too hard about how quickly the year seems to be going, because I definitely haven’t read nearly as many books yet this year as I want to. There are so many books on my radar at the moment, and with some books I’ve been highly anticipating being released within the next few months, I’m finding it hard to stop myself from buying all of them.

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June Book List

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I’ve been falling into really bad habits lately, I’ve been getting lazy with my reading and neglecting my blog, with the last few posts coming later than I wanted them too. It’s my own fault though. I find that in the colder months I become distracted by binge watching TV shows and spending way too much time on my phone instead of picking up one of the books that are waiting on my shelf. Something I’m really good at, that I’m sure a lot of people can relate to, is procrastinating. So I am going to work harder at keeping on track with my reading and my blog.

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May Book List

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Is it just me or did May just fly by? I swear this month went so quickly that I feel like I barely had time to do anything. My May book list is a short one, I did manage to buy some great new books though, even if I haven’t yet read them all.

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April Book List

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Most of April was spent finishing reading books from last month and reading books off my kindle, I didn’t really buy any new books. I find it easier to read my kindle a lot of the time, it’s easy to carry around and it contains multiple books at a time, but there’s nothing quite like having the physical book. They also look much better in photos and on the bookshelf, so I’m hoping to add some more paperback books to my shelf in May.

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March Book List

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I became obsessed with BookTube this month, I found it was really great for finding new book recommendations and I don’t know why I didn’t get onto it sooner. I now have a great wish list that I’m looking forward to working my way through. I’ve discovered some great new authors and fantasy series that sound right up my alley that I can’t wait to read. I’d started to feel like I was just reading the same thing over and over again, so it’s good to finally get onto some books that feel fresh and original.

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